Licensing Process
The Authority will publish invitations for the public to apply for these licences. The guidelines for each licence type will be contained in the Request for Application. The Request for Application will also set out the requirements for each of the licence types and locations of the said licences.
The Authority will publish invitations for the public to apply for gambling licences. The guidelines for the applying for the spefic licences published will be contained in the Request for Application. The Request for Application will also set out the requirements of the licence and proposed locations. Additionally, Section 37 of the Gambling Act, 2012 outlines the conditions that the Authority will considers when reviewing licence applications and these include the following;
- satisfying the Authority that the applicant will be the occupier of the whole of the premises from which the gambling establishment will be operated, with such security of tenure as the Authority may consider adequate and that the applicant intends to manage or procure the management of the operation of the whole of the facilities of the said establishment;
- satisfying the Authority that the applicant is a person of integrity or, in the case of a company, that it is directed by persons of integrity;
- satisfying the Authority that the applicant has the knowledge and experience necessary to establish and operate the gambling establishment;
- satisfying the Authority that the applicant has adequate financial means available to establish and operate the gambling establishment to a high standard;
- satisfies the Authority by plans and specifications submitted to it, that the casino will be of a high standard of amenity, appearance and comfort;
- undertaking to commence, carry on and complete within 15 months or such longer period as the Authority may, in its discretion determine;
- giving a guarantee or depositing with the Authority, such security as the Authority may consider adequate for the meeting of any obligations which the applicant may incur to persons gambling in the licensed premises; and
- being a body corporate, is a company or external company within the meaning of the Companies Act.
Any person who shall engage in any work in the gambling industry requires an employee licence issued by the Gambling Authority. Section 102(4) of the Gambling Act, 2012 outlines the conditions that the Authority considers when granting an employee licence. An employee licence will be granted to a person who:
- has not been declared insolvent or bankrupt and has not been rehabilitated or discharged;
- has not at any time been convicted, whether in Botswana or elsewhere, of theft, fraud, forgery or uttering a forged document, perjury, an offence under the Gambling Act, or an offence involving dishonesty;
- is not a family member of an employee of the Authority;
- is not a public servant; or
- is not a member of Parliament or Councillor.
- Any person involved in the sale, lease, distribution, importation, marketing, maintenance and repair of any gambling machine or device, or engaged in any other occupation relating to gambling shall register with the Authority. The person shall comply with Section 97 of the Gambling Act 2012 as read with Regulation 63, of the Gambling Regulations 2016. The applicant will, duly complete Form 40 and provide the supporting documents which include:
- Certified copy of share certificate
- Certified copy of valid tax clearance certificate
- Certified copy of the certificate of registration/incorporation
- Solvency letter from bank/auditors
- Company profile
- Copy of Operating licence if licensed in another jurisdiction
- Letter of consent to conduct probity checks
- Application fee of P 50 000.00