Types of Licenses
The authority is mandated to issue and oversee various types of gambling licenses, each tailored to regulate specific aspects of the gambling industry.
These licenses ensure compliance with legal requirements, maintain integrity within the sector, and safeguard the interests of both operators and consumers, and collectively contribute to the authority’s mission of promoting responsible gambling practices
Section 33 of the Gambling Act, 2012 provides for the following licence types:
- Bingo licence
- Bingo Machine License
- Bookmaker’s License
- Casino License
- Gambling Establishment
- Lottery
- Racing License
- Totalizator
The Authority has been mandated to
grant the following licence types

a casino licence shall authorise the playing or making available for play, of the casino games specified in the licence, on the licensed premises concerned

these licenses authorize distributing prizes by chance in which the participants make a contribution for the purposes of participation in the chances of the lottery.

licenses for making or accepting a bet on the outcome of a race, competition or other event , the likelihood of any anything occurring or other event

A bingo licence shall authorise the holder of such licence to conduct or provide for the game of bingo on the licensed premises concerned

Machine Licenses
A gambling machine licence shall authorise the holder of that licence, to keep gambling machines or devices on the premises specified on the licence.

Employees licenses
employee licenses permit people to engage in work within the gambling industry under the specified categories of work subject to licensing
Licensing of Persons, Machines & Devices
The Act also provides for the licensing of persons employed in the gambling industry and the licensing of gambling machines and devices. In addition to these, the Act provides for the registration of service providers i.e. persons engaged in the sale, lease, distribution, importation, marketing, maintenance, repair or testing of any gambling machine or device.

Licensing of promotional competitions and private lotteries/raffles
The Licensing Services Unit also grants permission to persons and or organisations who seek to conduct promotional competitions and private lotteries/raffles, in line with Sections 67 and 66 of the Act.