
Home Services Licensing

The Licensing unit

The Licensing Services Unit is half of the Operations Department which is responsible for the issuance of all licences provided for under the Gambling Act 2012.

What is licensing?

Gambling licensing refers to the process of obtaining legal permission to operate a gambling business. The process involves applying for a licence from the Authority and meeting the licensing requirements. The licensing process is initiated by the Gambling Authority by publishing a notice in the Government Gazette or any other  form.

Functions of the Licensing Services Unit

The Licensing Service Unit is responsible for the review of the manner in which licences are issued under the Gambling Act, 2012.The functions of the Licensing Services Unit include:

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    The drafting of Requests for Applications (RFA) which will guide prospective licence applicants on the manner in which they should submit licence applications;
    Receiving and reviewing all licence applications;
    Determining the suitability of all applicants for licences prior to recommending the applicant for a licence;
    Ensuring the continued suitability of licensees over the period of the licence;
    Determining the fitness and propriety of applicants for employee licences and their continued suitability during the currency of their licences;
    Reviewing and recommending decisions for applications of a change of shareholders and/or the acquisition of shares of a licensee;

    Renewal of all licences and registration of service providers in the gambling industry;
    Reviewing applications for private lotteries/raffles and promotional competitions.

    For Licensing Enquiries?

    Please Feel Free To Contact Us. We Will Get Back To You With 1-2 Business Days.

    (+267) 395 7672

    Why is licensing done and what purpose does it serve?

    Licences are issued for purposes of regulating the gambling industry andprotecting consumers. Through licensing, the Gambling Authority ensures that gambling businesses operate fairly and transparently and that they adhere to the Laws of Botswana. Licensing helps to prevent illegal and unethical practices such as money laundering and underage gambling. It further ensures that the natural and juristic persons who desire to obtain gambling licences are individuals who are fit and proper.